Essential Daycare Tour Questions Every Parent Should Ask

  • By: Stephanie Hogan
  • Time to read: 19 min.
Stephanie Hogan
The driving force behind Simply Working Mama, is a multifaceted professional, devoted mother, and visionary entrepreneur. With a passion for empowering moms in the modern workplace, Stephanie brings a unique blend of expertise, authenticity, and relatability to her role as the founder of this empowering platform.

When it comes to choosing a daycare for your child, there are important questions that every parent should ask during a tour of the facility. Asking the right questions will help you assess the quality of care and ensure your child’s safety and well-being. Here are some key daycare tour questions to keep in mind:

Contents show

Essential Daycare Tour Questions Key Takeaways:

  • Asking about the daycare center’s practices for supporting children’s mental health and social-emotional development is crucial.
  • Prioritize safety by asking about cleaning protocols, accreditation, staff qualifications, emergency plans, and the staff-to-student ratio.
  • Inquire about the daycare center’s meal plans, handling of food allergies, and vaccination policy to ensure your child’s health and nutrition.
  • Ask about the daily schedule and activities provided by the daycare center to ensure a balanced and engaging experience for your child.
  • Understand the daycare center’s policies and procedures regarding tuition, contracts, attendance, closures, and holidays.

Academic and Social-Emotional Learning Questions

When choosing a daycare center, it’s crucial to consider not only the physical safety but also the mental and emotional well-being of your child. To assess a daycare center’s commitment to academic and social-emotional learning, here are some important questions to ask:

Curriculum and Kindergarten Readiness

1. What curriculum do you follow? Are there specific learning goals and milestones for each age group?

2. How do you prepare children for the transition to kindergarten? Are there specific activities or lessons that focus on kindergarten readiness?

Social-Emotional Development and Inclusion

1. How do you support children’s social-emotional development? Are there any specific programs or strategies in place?

2. How do you promote inclusion and diversity within the daycare center? Are there activities or initiatives that celebrate different cultures and backgrounds?

Support for Individual Growth

1. How do you address the individual needs of each child? Are there additional resources or support available for children who may need extra assistance or have special needs?

2. How do you foster a positive and supportive learning environment? Are there strategies in place to encourage children’s self-esteem and confidence?

What curriculum do you follow? Are there specific learning goals and milestones for each age group?[Response]
How do you prepare children for the transition to kindergarten? Are there specific activities or lessons that focus on kindergarten readiness?[Response]
How do you support children’s social-emotional development? Are there any specific programs or strategies in place?[Response]
How do you promote inclusion and diversity within the daycare center? Are there activities or initiatives that celebrate different cultures and backgrounds?[Response]
How do you address the individual needs of each child? Are there additional resources or support available for children who may need extra assistance or have special needs?[Response]
How do you foster a positive and supportive learning environment? Are there strategies in place to encourage children’s self-esteem and confidence?[Response]

By asking these academic and social-emotional learning questions, parents can gain valuable insights into how a daycare center supports their child’s growth and development. Remember, finding a daycare center that prioritizes not only academic learning but also social-emotional well-being can contribute to a well-rounded and positive early childhood experience.

Safety Questions

Ensuring the safety of your child is of utmost importance when selecting a daycare center. By asking the right safety questions during your daycare tour, you can gain valuable insights into the center’s commitment to creating a secure environment for your little one.

Here are some essential safety questions to ask:

  • Can you describe your cleaning protocols and procedures?
  • Is the daycare center accredited or licensed?
  • What is the staff-to-student ratio in each age group?
  • Do you have emergency plans in place?

Asking about the cleaning protocols and procedures gives you a sense of how the daycare center maintains cleanliness and hygiene. Accreditation or licensing ensures that the center meets certain standards set by regulatory bodies.

The staff-to-student ratio is crucial as it determines how much individual attention your child will receive. Lower ratios often indicate more personalized care. Additionally, inquiring about emergency plans shows that the daycare center prioritizes the safety and well-being of its children.

Remember, when it comes to your child’s safety, it’s essential to ask these questions and feel confident in the daycare center’s ability to provide a secure environment.

“A safe environment is a key aspect of choosing the right daycare center for your child.”

Staff-to-Student Ratio Comparison

Age GroupDesired Staff-to-Student RatioDaycare Center ADaycare Center BDaycare Center C
Infants (0-12 months)1:41:51:41:6
Toddlers (1-3 years)1:61:71:51:6
Preschoolers (3-5 years)1:101:91:111:10

This table provides a comparison of the staff-to-student ratio in different age groups for three daycare centers. It allows you to assess how each center aligns with your desired ratio and understand the level of individual attention your child will receive.

Remember, the staff-to-student ratio plays a crucial role in your child’s experience and well-being at the daycare center, so be sure to consider this factor when making your decision.

Health and Nutrition Questions

When considering a daycare center for your child, it’s important to inquire about their health and nutrition practices. By asking the right questions, you can ensure that your child’s dietary needs are met and that the center prioritizes their overall well-being.

Here are some essential daycare interview questions to ask:

  1. Food and Nutrition: What kind of meals and snacks are provided? Do you accommodate special dietary needs or food allergies?
  2. Vaccination Policy: What is your policy on vaccinations? Are there any specific requirements for children attending the center?

Asking about the daycare center’s food and nutrition policies will give you insight into the quality and variety of meals provided. It’s important to know if they can accommodate any special dietary needs or allergies your child may have. Additionally, understanding the center’s vaccination policy ensures that they prioritize the health and safety of all the children in their care.

Remember, discussing these health and nutrition questions will help you make an informed decision when choosing a daycare center for your child. By prioritizing their dietary needs and ensuring a safe environment, you can have peace of mind knowing that your child’s overall health and well-being will be taken care of.

Table: Sample Daycare Health and Nutrition Questions

Food and NutritionWhat kind of meals and snacks are provided? Do you accommodate special dietary needs or food allergies?
Vaccination PolicyWhat is your policy on vaccinations? Are there any specific requirements for children attending the center?

Daily Activities and Schedule Questions

When choosing a daycare center for your child, it is essential to understand the daily activities and schedule they offer. By asking the right questions, you can ensure that your child will have a balanced and engaging experience. Here are some important daycare interview questions related to daily activities, rest and nap times, and outdoor play:

What activities are included in the daily schedule?

It’s important to know what your child will be involved in throughout the day. Asking about the activities included in the daily schedule will give you insight into the variety of experiences your child will have. Look for a combination of structured learning, creative play, and physical activities to promote your child’s development.

What are the rest and nap times?

Rest and nap times are crucial for your child’s well-being and mood. Inquire about the duration and frequency of rest and nap times to ensure they align with your child’s needs. A daycare center that provides dedicated time for rest and rejuvenation can contribute to your child’s overall physical and emotional health.

How much time is allocated for outdoor play?

Outdoor play is vital for children’s physical development, social interaction, and exposure to nature. Ask about the amount of time allocated for outdoor play and the availability of safe and stimulating outdoor play areas. A daycare center that prioritizes outdoor play can contribute to your child’s overall well-being and provide valuable opportunities for exploration and learning.

What activities are included in the daily schedule?Understanding the variety of experiences your child will have.
What are the rest and nap times?Ensuring your child’s physical and emotional well-being.
How much time is allocated for outdoor play?Promoting physical development and providing opportunities for exploration and learning.

Daycare Policies and Procedures Questions

When choosing a daycare center for your child, it’s important to understand the policies and procedures that govern the facility. Asking specific questions about tuition, contracts, and attendance policy can help you make an informed decision. Here are some essential daycare interview questions to consider:


Ask about the daycare center’s tuition rates and payment schedule. Inquire if there are any additional fees or costs that you need to be aware of. Understanding the financial aspect of enrollment will help you plan accordingly and ensure that it fits within your budget.


Find out what kind of contract the daycare center requires. Ask about the duration of the contract, any termination clauses, and if there are any penalties for early withdrawal. Reviewing the contract thoroughly will give you a clear understanding of your rights and responsibilities as a parent.

Attendance Policy

Discuss the daycare center’s attendance policy and any requirements for notifying the center of your child’s absence. Inquire about their policy regarding makeup days or refunds for missed days. Understanding the center’s attendance policy will help you plan for absences and ensure a smooth transition for your child.

What are the tuition rates?The tuition rates for full-time care are $X per week.
Are there any additional fees?There is an annual registration fee of $X.
What is the duration of the contract?The contract is for a minimum of X months.
What is the attendance policy?We require notification by 9:00 AM if your child will be absent.
Do you offer makeup days for missed days?We offer two makeup days per quarter.

Asking these daycare policies and procedures questions will provide you with important information about the financial commitment, contract terms, and attendance expectations of the daycare center. It will help you make an informed decision and choose a daycare center that aligns with your needs and preferences.

Daycare Philosophy Questions

Choosing the right daycare center for your child goes beyond assessing their safety and daily activities. It’s important to understand the center’s philosophy and educational approach to ensure it aligns with your parenting values and goals for your child’s development. Here are some essential daycare interview questions to ask regarding the center’s philosophy, educational experiences, daily schedule, and playtime:

1. What is the center’s educational philosophy?

Understanding the center’s educational philosophy will give you insights into their approach to early childhood education. Whether they follow a play-based, Montessori, or structured curriculum, it’s important to choose a center that aligns with your beliefs on how children learn and grow.

2. How do you incorporate educational experiences into the daily schedule?

Ask about the center’s approach to learning and how they integrate educational experiences into the daily routine. Inquire about the balance between structured activities and child-directed playtime to ensure a holistic learning environment for your child.

3. Can you provide examples of daily activities that promote learning and development?

Ask for specific examples of activities that stimulate cognitive, physical, and social-emotional development. This will help you gauge the center’s commitment to providing enriching experiences that support your child’s growth in various areas.

By asking these daycare philosophy questions, you can gain a deeper understanding of a daycare center’s educational approach and whether it aligns with what you envision for your child’s early learning journey.

Daycare Philosophy QuestionsSummary
1. What is the center’s educational philosophy?Understand the center’s approach to early childhood education.
2. How do you incorporate educational experiences into the daily schedule?Assess the balance between structured activities and playtime.
3. Can you provide examples of daily activities that promote learning and development?Evaluate the center’s commitment to providing enriching experiences.

Daycare Staffing Questions

When choosing a daycare center for your child, it’s essential to inquire about the qualifications and turnover rate of the staff. Knowing that your child will be in the hands of experienced and dedicated professionals is crucial for their well-being and development. Here are some important daycare interview questions to ask:

Teacher Qualifications:

Ask about the qualifications and training of the daycare center’s staff. Inquire about their educational backgrounds, certifications, and any ongoing professional development opportunities they have access to. Understanding the expertise and knowledge of the teachers can give you confidence in the quality of care your child will receive.

Turnover Rate:

Find out about the turnover rate of the daycare center’s staff. High turnover can be a red flag, indicating potential issues with staff satisfaction or management practices. A lower turnover rate suggests that the center fosters a positive work environment and values staff retention, which can contribute to a more stable and consistent experience for your child.

Accommodations for Special Needs:

If your child has any special needs or developmental delays, it’s important to ask about the daycare center’s ability to accommodate these needs. Inquire about their experience working with children with special needs and whether they have any specific protocols or resources in place to provide tailored support. Ensuring that the center can meet your child’s unique needs will give you peace of mind.

Daycare Staffing QuestionsKey Takeaways
Teacher QualificationsInquire about the qualifications and training of the daycare center’s staff
Turnover RateAsk about the turnover rate of the daycare center’s staff to assess staff satisfaction and stability
Accommodations for Special NeedsIf your child has special needs, inquire about the center’s ability to provide tailored support

Licensing and Accreditation Questions

When choosing a daycare center for your child, it’s important to inquire about the center’s licensing and accreditation status. By asking the right questions, you can ensure that the center meets the necessary standards for health, safety, and education. Here are some essential daycare interview questions related to licensing and accreditation:

Table: Licensing and Accreditation Details

1. Is the daycare center licensed?Having a license indicates that the center has met the required standards set by the state or local regulatory bodies.
2. Are there any specific accreditations the center holds?Accreditations from reputable organizations such as the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) or the National Association for Family Child Care (NAFCC) can demonstrate a commitment to high-quality care.
3. Can I see a copy of the center’s license and any accreditation documentation?Requesting to see the actual documents can provide further assurance that the center is operating within the required guidelines.

By asking these licensing and accreditation questions, you can gain valuable insights into the daycare center’s commitment to meeting established standards. Remember to review the documents yourself and feel free to ask for clarification or additional information if needed.

Ensuring that the daycare center you choose is licensed and accredited can give you peace of mind, knowing that your child will be in a safe and educational environment. Take the time to ask these important questions during your daycare tour to make an informed decision about the best daycare center for your child’s needs.

Discipline Policy Questions

When choosing a daycare center, it’s important to understand how they handle discipline and behavior management. By asking the right questions, you can ensure that your child will be in a positive and supportive environment. Here are some key discipline policy questions to ask during your daycare interview:

1. How does the daycare center handle behavioral concerns?

Understanding how the center addresses behavioral issues is crucial to ensuring your child’s well-being. Ask about their approach to discipline and how they promote positive behavior. Look for centers that prioritize positive reinforcement, communication, and age-appropriate strategies to guide children’s behavior.

2. Do they allow physical discipline?

Physical discipline should never be a part of a daycare center’s discipline policy. It’s important to ask specifically about their stance on physical discipline to ensure that your child will be in a safe and nurturing environment.

3. How do they manage challenging behavior?

Ask about the strategies and techniques the daycare center uses to address challenging behavior. Look for centers that prioritize understanding the root causes of behavior and provide support, guidance, and appropriate interventions. Open communication between the center and parents is also essential in managing and working through challenging behavior.

By asking these discipline policy questions, you can gain insight into how the daycare center fosters positive behavior and handles behavioral concerns. This will help you make an informed decision and choose a center that aligns with your values and ensures your child’s well-being.

“It’s important to ask about a daycare center’s discipline policy to ensure that your child will be in a positive and supportive environment.”

Health and Safety Procedures Questions

When it comes to choosing a daycare center for your child, their health and safety should be your top priority. Asking the right questions about health and safety procedures can give you peace of mind that your child will be well taken care of. Here are some essential daycare interview questions to ask:

Facility Cleaning Protocols:

It’s important to inquire about the daycare center’s cleaning protocols to ensure a clean and hygienic environment for your child. Ask about their cleaning routines, including how often they sanitize toys, surfaces, and common areas. Inquire about their procedures for handling spills, accidents, and personal hygiene, such as handwashing practices.

Illness Policies:

Understanding how the daycare center handles illness is crucial for safeguarding your child’s health. Ask about their policies for handling sick children, including when they require exclusions and when it is safe for a child to return. Inquire about their communication practices for informing parents about contagious illnesses in the center.

Medication Administration:

If your child requires medication during daycare hours, it’s important to ask about the center’s policies and procedures for medication administration. Inquire about their protocols for storing and administering medications, including how they verify dosage and maintain accurate records. Make sure to provide any necessary information about your child’s medication needs and discuss any concerns you may have.

By asking these health and safety procedures questions, you can ensure that the daycare center maintains a clean and safe environment for your child’s well-being. Remember to take notes during your daycare tours and compare the answers to make an informed decision that meets your child’s needs.

Teacher-to-Child Ratios and Certifications Questions

When choosing a daycare center for your child, it is essential to inquire about the teacher-to-child ratio and staff certifications. These factors play a vital role in ensuring the quality of care and education your child will receive. By asking the following questions, you can gain valuable insights into the center’s commitment to providing a nurturing and enriching environment.

Teacher-to-Child Ratio:

The teacher-to-child ratio is a crucial aspect to consider, as it directly impacts the amount of individual attention each child receives. A lower teacher-to-child ratio allows for more personalized interactions and ensures that your child’s needs are met. Ask the daycare center what their current ratio is and if they maintain consistent ratios throughout the day. Ideally, you would want a center that adheres to recommended ratios, such as one teacher for every four infants, one teacher for every eight toddlers, and one teacher for every ten preschoolers.

Staff Certifications:

Inquire about the qualifications and certifications of the daycare center’s staff. Knowledgeable and trained educators can offer a more enriching learning experience for your child. Ask if the staff has received training in early childhood education and if they participate in ongoing professional development. Additionally, inquire about any specialized certifications or qualifications held by staff members, such as first aid and CPR training or certifications in specific educational approaches or methodologies.

Questions to AskPurpose
What is the teacher-to-child ratio in each age group?To ensure that your child receives adequate individual attention and care.
Do you maintain consistent ratios throughout the day?To understand if your child will have consistent support and supervision.
What qualifications and certifications do your staff members hold?To assess the level of expertise and knowledge the staff brings to the center.
Do your staff members receive ongoing professional development training?To determine if the staff stays up-to-date with best practices in early childhood education.

Asking these daycare interview questions about teacher-to-child ratios and staff certifications will help you make an informed decision about the quality of care and education your child will receive. Keep in mind that a well-trained staff and appropriate teacher-to-child ratios contribute significantly to your child’s overall development and well-being.

Daily Learning Plans and Curriculum Questions

As a parent, you want to ensure that your child receives a well-rounded education and engaging experiences during their time at daycare. To gain insight into the daily learning plans and curriculum offered by a daycare center, here are some important questions you should ask:

1. What is the daily schedule like?

Understanding the daily schedule will give you an idea of how your child’s time will be structured at the daycare center. Inquire about the balance between structured learning activities and unstructured playtime. This will help you determine if the center’s approach aligns with your child’s needs and preferences.

2. What is the curriculum used?

Ask about the curriculum that the daycare center follows. Find out if it is age-appropriate and if it emphasizes the holistic development of your child. Inquire about the core subjects and learning areas covered, such as language and literacy, math, science, art, and social studies.

3. How do you individualize learning?

Each child is unique and has different learning styles and abilities. Ask if the daycare center individualizes learning to cater to each child’s needs. Inquire about how they differentiate instruction and provide support for children who may be ahead or behind their peers in certain areas.

4. Are there opportunities for outdoor learning?

Outdoor play and exploration can enhance a child’s learning experience. Find out if the daycare center incorporates outdoor activities and field trips into their curriculum. Outdoor learning provides opportunities for physical development, nature exploration, and hands-on learning experiences.

By asking these questions, you’ll gain a better understanding of the daily learning plans and curriculum offered by the daycare center. This will help you make an informed decision about whether it aligns with your child’s educational needs and fosters their overall growth and development.


In conclusion, finding the right daycare for your child is a crucial decision that requires careful consideration. By asking the essential daycare tour questions outlined in this article, you can gather the necessary information to make an informed choice. Remember, it’s important to prioritize your child’s safety, happiness, and overall growth when making this decision.

As you embark on your daycare search, use the provided list of essential questions for daycare tours as a guide. Inquire about academic and social-emotional learning practices, safety protocols, health and nutrition standards, daily activities, daycare policies and procedures, philosophy, staffing, licensing and accreditation, discipline policies, health and safety procedures, teacher-to-child ratios, and daily learning plans.

In conclusion, navigating the daycare selection process is a significant undertaking, and asking the right questions during tours is paramount. Ensuring your child’s safety, development, and happiness hinges on being well-informed. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) offers valuable resources, including health and safety guidelines, to aid parents in making informed decisions about childcare facilities. You can find additional insights and parenting tips at Simply Working Mama, a reliable source for practical advice on family well-being.

Remember, the daycare tour questions outlined in this guide are designed to empower you as a parent, facilitating meaningful conversations with daycare providers. By actively participating in the selection process, you contribute to creating a secure and nurturing environment for your child’s growth.

For the latest information on child health and safety, refer to the CDC’s guidelines. As you embark on this journey, may your inquiries lead to a daycare choice that aligns with your family’s values and provides the best possible care for your little one.

By asking these critical questions, you will gain valuable insights to assess the quality of care provided and ensure that the daycare center aligns with your child’s needs and your parenting goals. Remember to trust your instincts and take the time to visit multiple daycare centers to find the right fit for your family. Good luck!


What questions should I ask when visiting a daycare center?

When visiting a daycare center, it’s important to ask questions about their practices for supporting children’s mental health and social-emotional development, their safety protocols, meal plans and handling of food allergies, daily schedule and activities, policies and procedures, staff qualifications and turnover rate, licensing and accreditation status, discipline policy, health and safety procedures, teacher-to-child ratios and certifications, and daily learning plans and curriculum.

How can I assess a daycare center’s commitment to children’s well-being?

Asking questions about the center’s curriculum, inclusion practices, staff qualifications, safety protocols, and support for children’s overall growth can provide insights into their commitment to children’s well-being.

What should I ask about a daycare center’s safety measures?

It’s important to inquire about a daycare center’s cleaning protocols, accreditation, staff qualifications, emergency plans, and staff-to-student ratio to ensure a safe environment for children.

How can I gather information about a daycare center’s nutritional standards and health practices?

Parents should ask about the center’s meal plans, handling of food allergies, and vaccination policy to understand their nutritional standards and overall health practices.

What questions should I ask about a daycare center’s daily schedule and activities?

Inquiring about rest and nap times, outdoor play, and age-appropriate activities can help assess the quality of care provided by a daycare center.

What should I know about a daycare center’s policies and procedures?

Parents should ask about tuition rates, contracts, attendance policies, and how the center handles closures and holidays to understand the logistics of enrollment and attendance.

How can I determine if a daycare center’s values align with my own parenting style and goals?

Inquiring about the center’s philosophy, educational experiences, daily schedule, and playtime can help parents assess if they align with their own parenting style and goals for their child.

What information should I gather about a daycare center’s staffing?

Understanding the qualifications and turnover rate of the staff, as well as the accommodations for special needs, can help assess the quality of care provided by a daycare center.

How can I ensure a daycare center meets the necessary standards?

Inquiring about the daycare center’s licensing and accreditation status, as well as asking to see the necessary documentation, can provide reassurance that the center meets the required standards for health, safety, and education.

What questions should I ask about a daycare center’s discipline policy?

Understanding how the center handles behavioral concerns and if they allow physical discipline can help assess their approach to discipline.

How can I ensure a daycare center prioritizes health and safety?

Asking about the center’s health and safety procedures, including cleaning protocols, illness policies, and medication administration, can provide confidence in their ability to prioritize the well-being and safety of children.

What should I know about a daycare center’s teacher-to-child ratios and staff certifications?

Inquiring about the teacher-to-child ratio and staff certifications can help assess the quality of care provided by a daycare center and ensure appropriate attention and guidance for children.

How can I gather information about a daycare center’s daily learning plans and curriculum?

Asking about the center’s daily learning plans and curriculum can provide insights into the educational experiences children will have at the daycare center.